2015: The Year of Wonderment and Infection

2015 is not only upon us, but within us, and in the reflexive examination of the year that was, 2014 appears as a sort of bland monument of stasis in the evolution of living. Sure, there were killings and wars and disease and stalemates — and yet it all seemed alarmingly familiar as if we’d already lived all those cultural queues in previous quotations. 2015, so far at least, has a different taste and smell — and there may be some hope of anticipation that some exciting forward movement will be arriving to penetrate the world with some goodness and wonderment.

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Evaluating Lost Blog Readers: Ten Million vs. One Million

We reached the One Million — 1,000,000 — reader/hits/visitors milestone for the first time (again!) here on BolesBlogs.com since we became the consolidated Boles Blogs a year and five days ago.

Reaching a million of anything is an accomplishment and a joy, but it also forces you to reflect on what was and where you once stood as you wonder if you’d stayed the course and kept a finite focus, readership would likely be over Ten Million — 10,000,000 — reader/hits/visitors today instead of just a million.

In November 2007, when we were only the Urban Semiotic blog — we were close to smashing the one million mark — and we did just that a few weeks later!  It’s hard to imagine how many millions of readers we’d have tallied by now if we’d stayed a single blog.

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State of Boles Blogs on Bing and Yahoo

It’s been about a month since all 14 of our former network blogs, Urban Semiotic, Go Inside, Boles Blues, Panopticonic, Carceral Nation, Boles University Blog, 10txt, RelationShaping, United Stage, WordPunk, Memeingful, Scientific Aesthetic, Dramatic Medicine and Celebrity Semiotic became this Boles Blog.  In that brief time, we’ve published over 80 new articles.  That’s a World Publishing Record for any of our single blogs.

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Best of Boles Blogs Volumes 1, 2 and 3 Now Available on Amazon Kindle Direct!

As you may know, over the past few weeks, I have been working on a “Best of…” series for the Boles Blogs Network to give you a way to find our work in the palm of your hand via Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.  You may now read The Best of GO INSIDE Magazine and The Best of Urban Semiotic Volumes 1 and 2 using your Kindle, or smartphone or tablet or desktop — and now, today, you are also able to read three mighty volumes from the rest of the network in Best of Boles Blogs Volume 1, and Volume 2 and Volume 3 — all via Amazon!

Here’s the PR blurp for Volume 1:

Welcome to — “Best of Boles Blogs, Volume 1 (2007-2012)” — where we provide to you a unique, redacted and added value reading experience from the following fine blogs found in the 14-blog strong Boles Blogs Network: WordPunk, Memeingful, Celebrity Semiotic and Panopticonic. Weighing in at over 57,000 words and 155 standard typewritten pages, you are now able to read the keenest, edited, and reconstructed, works of David W. Boles in this exclusive Kindle Direct Publishing edition!

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Human Equality Should Not Be Headline News

Every time a celebrity comes out of the closet and it is spread all over the blogosphere and makes the front cover of entertainment magazines, I pretty much always have the same reaction — to think to myself, “Why is this still considered newsworthy?” I would like to take you more thoroughly through this thought process with me.

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Using Junecloud Delivery Status to Thwart Faked Delivery Attempts

One popular article I wrote for the Boles Blogs Network appeared in Celebrity Semiotic on  August 5, 2010 — Divorcing Amazon Prime Because of A-1 Courier Services Cheating — and that post is still going full-steam with comments, 315 as of this writing, with no end in stopping.  When an article like that stays on blast — it is usually fury and injustice that drives the popularity — all that, plus an excellent Google ranking for a search on “A-1 Courier” always helps.  There would be no searches without the rage, and so the hits, and the comments, keep coming against A-1.

In my replies for the article, I realized I should share my method for thwarting faked delivery attempts from FedEx and UPS and other companies.  Unfortunately, A-1 is not currently in my App cache, and I’m sure they would never want to be included because then their deceptive end game would be over.

I use Junecloud’s excellent Delivery Status on my Mac as a widget and on my iPhone and iPad as an App.  The widget and Apps all communicate with each other via the Junecloud.com website, so each device is always in sync with the latest delivery updates and my day is saved in so many ways.

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Why Jerry Lewis is Right About American Idol and Reality Television

I am a Jerry Lewis fan.  Sure, he’s an ancient, 85-year-old, egomaniac, but the guy has made some important movies, and he dedicated his life to trying to help find a cure for muscular dystrophy.  He did something while others — smarter, richer, and younger others — did nothing.  I admire his guts and stamina.  Jerry Lewis does not give in or give up.

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